
Delivery Information
The delivery range for online orders is 15 miles from our location.
0-5 miles $15 ($10 if order is over $50)
5-10 miles $25 ($15 if order is over $60)
10-15 miles $35 ($20 if order is over $70)
See more details here.
Copper Fungicide RTU 32oz
Controls powdery mildew, downy mildew, black spot, peach leaf curl, rust, and other listed diseases. Perfect for use on vegetables, roses, fruits, nuts, herbs, ornamentals, and turf. Incredibly easy to apply and can be used up to the day of harvest.
- Controls listed plant diseases using low concentrations of copper
- Approved for organic gardening
- Dormant and growing season applications
- Controls powdery mildew, black spot, rust, downy mildew and more
- Also controls Fruit Rot, Late Blight, Peach Leaf Curl and more
- Ready-to-use Quart (32 oz) spray bottle