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Acid Mix 4-3-6 Mini 1lb

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Acid Mix 4-3-6 Mini 1lb

Down To Earth’s Acid Mix 4-3-6 is a fertilizer blended for plants that thrive in a low pH soil like blueberries and raspberries, rhododendrons, azaleas, hydrangeas, evergreen trees and shrubs. To encourage lush flowers and fruit, apply DTE Acid Mix 4-3-6 in early spring for vegetative growth and again when blooms appear. Fall applications promote root growth and boost resistance to extreme winter temperatures.

Derived from: Cottonseed Meal, Fish Bone Meal, Langbeinite, Rock Phosphate and Kelp Meal


2.5% Humic Acids derived from Leonardite

  • -0%
  • Regular price $5.99